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Salient Features

  • Length: 12.8 meters and 3.2 meters.
  • Height of 787 mm, thickness of 3 mm.
  • High-strength galvanized steel, resistance to corrosion and rust.
  • Trapezoidal shape with a wider top section and a narrower bottom section, which provides better redirective capability and impact resistance.
  • End Treatments such as flared ends or crash cushions.

Other Features

  • Durable and strong.
  • Effective in redirecting vehicles.
  • Cost-effective, easy to install and maintain
  • Versatile,resistant to corrosion.

Thrie Beam Crash Barriers are a type of road safety barrier system that is designed to prevent vehicles from running off the road or colliding with obstacles by redirecting them back onto the roadway. They are commonly used on highways, bridges, and other high-speed roadways where the risk of vehicular accidents is high.

They are typically installed on a foundation of steel posts that are driven into the ground and anchored with concrete. The barriers are installed in a continuous line along the roadway, with gaps at regular intervals to allow for drainage and expansion.

Thrie Beam Crash Barriers can be designed to meet various safety standards and specifications, depending on the intended application and local regulations.


  • Highways.
  • Bridges.
  • Interchanges:.
  • Curves.
  • Work Zones.
  • Toll Plazas.

Standards and Certifications

  • AASHTO M180
  • EN 1317
  • AS/NZS 3845

Also check out W Beam Crash Barriers.

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